AdSense Disclaimer

Effective Date: January 14, 2024

About Advertisements on Raging Wisdom:

Raging Wisdom is committed to providing valuable and insightful content to our readers. To support the operation of our website and continue delivering high-quality information, we may display advertisements through Google AdSense.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is an advertising program that allows website publishers like us to earn revenue by displaying targeted ads on our pages. These ads are generated based on the content of the page and the user’s interests.

How Ads are Displayed:

Ads served through Google AdSense may appear in various formats including banners, text, and interactive media. While we strive to ensure that the advertisements complement our content, we do not endorse or control the products or services promoted in these ads.

User Experience:

We aim to maintain a positive and unobtrusive user experience. The placement and appearance of ads are designed to be respectful of our readers’ experience, ensuring that the primary focus remains on the informative and engaging content we provide.

Earning Disclaimer:

Please note that Raging Wisdom may earn a commission or revenue when users interact with or click on the advertisements displayed on our website. This revenue helps support the maintenance and growth of our platform.

User Discretion:

It’s important to recognize that the ads displayed through Google AdSense are not endorsements by Raging Wisdom. Users are encouraged to exercise their own discretion and judgment when engaging with the products or services promoted in these advertisements.

Privacy and Cookies:

To provide a more personalized ad experience, Google AdSense uses cookies to track user preferences and behavior. For more information about how Google uses and protects your data, please refer to the Google Privacy Policy.

By continuing to use Raging Wisdom, you agree to the terms outlined in this AdSense disclaimer. We appreciate your support and understanding as we work to maintain a sustainable and informative online environment.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our use of AdSense, please contact us at

Thank you for being a valued member of the Raging Wisdom community.


Surajit Das


Raging Wisdom